

Essential elements of a happy life

The idea that good relationships are crucial for both physical and mental wellbeing is an ancient theme.

Philosophers, psychologists and scientists agree. In fact, the quality of our relationships is one of the most important of all lifestyle factors in determining the quality of our lives. It is amazing just how powerful our relationships are. Rich relationships lower the risk of diseases ranging from the common cold to heart disease and strokes and of psychological disorders such as depression. Good relationships are associated with greater psychological health and happiness and with better intellectual and work performance.

The dramatic effect of relationships on our wellbeing is grounded in the very design of our brain. The new research field of social neuroscience shows that we are hardwired for empathy and intimacy. Our brains resonate with one another like tuning forks, picking up subtle emotional and social cures, enabling us to empathize with others, and to literally feel what they feel.

In every relationship and in every interaction we create an intimate brain to brain link-up. This neural link allows us to feel and affect the brain function of everyone we meet. We are not only parts of social networks but parts of neural networks.

Given this intimate link between our brains, it’s no surprise that our relationships are so important and powerful and that we affect each other so dramatically.